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Puuc Architectural Style
According to the signs in the Museum of Maya Archaeology in Campeche city in the state of Campeche, the Puuc region comprises the southern part of Yucatan state and northeastern Campeche. The Mayans changed the Puuc style over 300 years. Elements of the Puuc styles include:
plain or worked Columns
short Drums
Frieze sculptures
The lower level of the 5 Story Palace at Edzna is an example of the earliest phase of Puuc style circa 7th Century C.E.
Xcalmukin displays the Puuc style in the 8th Century C.E., with entryways having a portico composed of plain or worked columns and interior friezes sculpted with hieroglyphs and human figures.
The Puuc style peaked in the Yucatan during the 9th Century C.E. Fine workmanship in the cutting and fitting of stones, the elaboration of plinths decorated with rows of drums, columns tenoned in corners, and friezes profusely decorated with reeds, latticework, serpents, and deity sculptures characterized this phase.
Mayan cities displaying the Puuc architectural style include:
For more information, please see the Wikipedia entry.