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Mayan Timeline
12,000,000 -> 47,000 B.C.E.
Indigenous people were living in Central America prior to 47,000 B.C.E. Bodies found in South America date back to * (ANCIENT SOUTH AMERICA by Gregory L. Little, Ed.D., John Van Auken, and Lora Little, Ed.D., Page *, Paragraph *). Such findings suggest that people were living in Central America around the same time as well.
The Edgar Cayce readings state that the current cycle of humans began around 12,000,000 B.C.E., on the Pacific continent of Mu.
The Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence indicates .
Influx of Haplogroup B circa 47,000 B.C.E.
Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") tests conducted in 1997 indicated 4 main Haplogroups: A, B, C, and D. These tests further indicated that 3 migrations to Central and South America occurred:
sometime prior to 30,000 Before the Current Era ("B.C.E." = B.C.)
28,000 B.C.E.
10,000 B.C.E.
(ANCIENT SOUTH AMERICA by Gregory L. Little, Ed.D., John Van Auken, and Lora Little, Ed.D., Page 58, Paragraphs 3-4).
Scientists discovered from mtDNA tests that migrations of Haplogroup B into Central and South America occurred just after 50,000 B.C.E., which was around the time that the Cayce readings stated that island/continent of Mu started breaking up (ANCIENT SOUTH AMERICA by Gregory L. Little, Ed.D., John Van Auken, and Lora Little, Ed.D., Page 58, Paragraph 4).
Haplogroup B originated in the Pacific Islands.
According to a 2002 study published in the GENETICS journal mtDNA tests indicate that for the South Pacific people their present location is their place of origin (ANCIENT SOUTH AMERICA by Gregory L. Little, Ed.D., John Van Auken, and Lora Little, Ed.D., Page 60).
Haplogroup B originated from Mu.
An indigenous group of people were present in Central America prior to 47,000 B.C.E. who did not have Haplogroup B.
The physical evidence indicates .
Plato/other writers state .
Indigenous people state .
The Edgar Cayce readings state that humans started a new civilization around 210,000 B.C.E., on the Atlantic continent of Atlantis.
The Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence indicates .
Influx of Haplogroup X circa 47,000 B.C.E.
Haplogroup X originated in the Atlantic Islands.
Haplogroup X originated from Atlantis.
Scientists found Haplogroup X in Native Americans from the Southwest and Northeast, specifically the Iroquois (ANCIENT SOUTH AMERICA by Gregory L. Little, Ed.D., John Van Auken, and Lora Little, Ed.D., Page 50, Paragraph 2).
These mtDNA tests indicated that people from Atlantis migrated to Central and South America around 28,000B.C.E., and 10,000B.C.E. Furthermore, scientists also found Haplogroup X in the Basque country of northeastern Spain and southern France, Egypt, and Israel (ANCIENT SOUTH AMERICA by Gregory L. Little, Ed.D., John Van Auken, and Lora Little, Ed.D., Page 50, Paragraph 5).
Also, scientists found in a 2001 study that a tribe in the Altaic Mountains of the Gobi Desert also possessed Halpogroup X (Ibid). Scientists also found Haplogroup X in Finland and Italy, and the Edgar Cayce readings link the people of these countries to Atlantis (ANCIENT SOUTH AMERICA by Gregory L. Little, Ed.D., John Van Auken, and Lora Little, Ed.D., Page 51, Paragraph 2).
The areas where scientists found Haplogroup X are the same areas that Edgar Cayce stated that the survivors of Atlantis fled to after the catastrophe of around 10,500 B.C.E. The fact that the areas where scientists found Haplogroup X are the same areas that Edgar Cayce stated that the survivors of Atlantis fled to after the catastrophe of around 10,500 B.C.E. indicates that Haplogroup X is Atlantean mtDNA. (see also ANCIENT SOUTH AMERICA by Gregory L. Little, Ed.D., John Van Auken, and Lora Little, Ed.D., Page 51, Paragraph 3).
Haplogroup X did not originate from Europe.
An indigenous group of people were present in Central America prior to 47,000 B.C.E. who did not have Haplogroup X.
The physical evidence indicates .
Plato/other writers state .
Indigenous people state .
47,000 -> 28,000 B.C.E.
The Edgar Cayce readings state .
The Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence indicates .
Influx of Haplogroup B circa 28,000 B.C.E.
The physical evidence indicates .
Plato/other writers state .
Indigenous people state .
The Edgar Cayce readings state .
The Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence indicates .
Influx of Haplogroup X circa 28,000 B.C.E.
The physical evidence indicates .
Plato/other writers state .
Indigenous people state .
28,000 -> 10,014 B.C.E.
The Edgar Cayce readings state .
The Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence indicates .
Influx of Haplogroup B circa 10,014 B.C.E.
The physical evidence indicates .
Plato/other writers state .
Indigenous people state .
The Edgar Cayce readings state that the final destruction of Atlantis occurred circa 10,014 B.C.E.
The Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence indicates .
Influx of Haplogroup X circa 10,014 B.C.E.
The physical evidence indicates .
Plato/other writers state .
Indigenous people state .
10,014 -> 3,300 B.C.E.
The Edgar Cayce readings state that the survivors of Atlantis migrated to the Yucatan and Egypt among other places.
The Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence indicates .
The physical evidence indicates .
Plato/other writers state .
Indigenous people state .
The Edgar Cayce readings state .
The Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence indicates .
The physical evidence indicates .
Plato/other writers state .
Indigenous people state.
Sometime around 3,300 B.C.E. (according to Edgar Cayce's readings), the civilizations of the Atlantean survivors in Egypt and the Yucatan collapsed (perhaps due to the last Ice Age flood of ~5,000 B.C.E.). At that point the Anunnaki appear to have taken over Egypt. Signs of this takeover are the use of carving tools to make the temples and statues as well as the statues square blocky poses similar to the Toltecs' statues and reflection a rigid military type culture.
3,300 -> 2,000 B.C.E.
The Sumerians had connections to Central and South America. The Anunnaki apparently assisted the Sumerians in establishing and maintaining these connections to mine ores/metals/gold, especially Tiwanaku. In addition, the Sumerians may have had access to the Portolan Maps. I wonder why the Sumerians did not work with granite or diorite stones. I speculate that the Sumerians were the Lost Tribe of Israel that visited Central America (specifically the Yucatan) circa 3,300 B.C.E., as Edgar Cayce described.
The Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence indicates .
The physical evidence indicates .
Zechariah Sitchin's translations of the Sumerian writings state that .
Indigenous people state .
The Anunnaki took over in Egypt and used their tools and technology to rebuild the Atlanean temples and pyramids, which is why the shafts leading from the King and Queen's Chambers in the Great Pyramid sight the respective stars circa 2,450 B.C.E. The Ramses statues with the square blocky design reminds me of the Toltecs and the Teotihuacanos with their military/warrior culture. The Anunnaki also taught the Egyptians hieroglyphics and started engraving the Egyptian temples and pyramids.
The Edgar Cayce readings state .
Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence supports the Edgar Cayce readings.
Physical evidence supports the Edgar Cayce readings.
Zechariah Sitchin states .
Indigenous people state .
The Edgar Cayce readings state .
Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence supports the Edgar Cayce readings.
Physical evidence supports the Edgar Cayce readings.
Peter Tompkins states (THE MYSTERY OF THE MEXICAN PYRAMIDS Peter Tompkins, Pages -, citing PALE INK).
The Chinese sent an expedition to the Americas around 2,299-2,251 B.C.E. The Emperor Shan requested that the Minister of Public Works Yu compile a book on Chinese travels around the globe called the CLASSIC OF MOUNTAINS AND SEAS (also called the SHAN HAI KING). This book describes mountains and rivers across the Pacific, in particular a series of peaks stretching 2,200 miles from Manitoba, Canada, to Mazatlan, Mexico.
Indigenous people state .
2,000 -> 1,500 B.C.E.
From the Museum at Uxmal |
After the Anunnaki nuclear war decimated Sumeria (THE WARS OF GODS AND MEN by Zechariah Sitchin, Pages -, WE HAVE NEVER BEEN ALONE by Paul Von Ward, Pages -), Babylon took over Sumeria's trade routes and connections to Central and South America. The Babylonians probably had access to the Portolan Maps.
The Edgar Cayce readings state .
Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence supports the Edgar Cayce readings.
Physical evidence supports the Edgar Cayce readings.
Zechariah Sitchin's translations of the Sumerian writings state .
Indigenous people state .
The Edgar Cayce readings state .
Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence supports the Edgar Cayce readings.
Physical evidence indicates .
Zechariah Sitchin's translations of the Sumerian writings state .
Colin Andrews states (ATLANTIS AND THE KINGDOM OF THE NEANDERTHALS, Colin Andrews, Pages 95-96).
Indigenous people state .
1,500 -> 500 B.C.E.
The Phoenicians
After the other ETs forced the Anunnaki to leave the Earth, Babylon fell. The Phoenician civilization arose at that time and appear to have succeeded to Babylon's trade routes and connections to Central and South America. They probably had access to the Portolan Maps. The Phoenicians enslaved west African people and used them as overlords in their colonies, which we now know as the Olmecs. The Phoenicians appear to have exerted more control over the Mexican Central Highlands than over the Mayan areas (CITE the practice of human sacrifice, or lack thereof, in these areas). The Phoenicians lost their connection to Central and South America around 500 B.C.E., when other nations arose and conquered them and Babylon (CITE: Wikipedia). Phoenician survivors fled to Carthage, near present-day Tunis.
The Edgar Cayce readings state .
Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence supports the Edgar Cayce readings.
Physical evidence indicates .
Zechariah Sitchin states that (THE LOST REALMS Zechariah Sitchin, Pages 68, Legend of Votan).
Peter Tompkins states (THE MYSTERIES OF THE MEXICAN PYRAMIDS by Peter Tompkins Pages 78-80 Legend of Votan).
Similarities between the Phoenicians and the Mayans and other Mexican peoples include:
- an advanced knowledge of mathematics and astronomy (which the Phoenicians picked up the from the Babylonians), including a place value in their mathematics
- the concept of 0
- the ability to express large numbers (i.e., million and above)
- measuring the [solar] year in 360 and 365 days
- accurately measuring the Moon's return/ the Lunar cycle
- awareness that the Morning and Evening Star (Venus) are the same
- hieroglyphic writing
- the custom of deforming the heads of newborn children
- infant sacrifice
- the use of incense
- phallus worship
[INSERT IMAGES of Phalluses from Mayan cities like Uxmal, Sayil, etc.]
- depicting Deities floating horizontally over the heads of mortals involved in conversation
- twisted rope borders on sarcophagi and seals
- pyramidal temples that rose in terraces to a truncated top, where they were used as astronomical observatories
- worship of the Sun and Moon, to womb temples were raised
- the use of Gnomons to measure the Sun's shadow and determine latitude
- clay figurines depicting dwarfs
- representing the rain god (Tlaloc in Central America) as a white man with a handlebar mustache and long beard holding a thunderbolt of lightning
[INSERT IMAGE of Tlaloc]
(THE MYSTERIES OF THE MEXICAN PYRAMIDS by Peter Tompkins Pages 350-351, citing FAIR GODS AND STONE FACES, Constance Irwin)
The Phoenicians seemed to be primarily interested in mining minerals and metals. Their primary interest in MesoAmerica seemed to be the mountainous areas from around the mouth of the Usumacinta River to the Mexican highlands around present-day Mexico City.
Indigenous people state .
The Olmecs
The Edgar Cayce readings state .
Mitochondrial DNA ("mtDNA") evidence supports the Edgar Cayce readings.
Physical evidence indicates .
Zechariah Sitchin states that the Olmecs were (THE LOST REALMS, Zechariah Sitchin, Pages 97-110, 272-273).
Peter Tompkins states that the Olmecs were probably West African slaves of the Phoenicians (THE MYSTERY OF THE MEXICAN PYRAMIDS Peter Tompkins, Page 349, citing FAIR GODS AND STONE FACES, Constance Irwin).
Indigenous people state .
500 B.C.E. -> 200 C.E.
The Grand Canyon
Prescott newspaper.
400 -> 499 C.E.
Hwui Shan and the Buddhist Monks
A Chinese Buddhist monk named Hwui Shan came with 5 other Buddhist missionaries to present day Los Angeles and traveled down to the Yucatan (THE MYSTERY OF THE MEXICAN PYRAMIDS Peter Tompkins, Pages 352-353, citing PALE INK Henriette Mertz). The group included a Chinese nobleman named "Tui-Lu". The books of Chilam Balam tell of a leader from the west, from Tulupan, who had the title of "Tutul Xiu". Tutul Xiu contributed to the Mexicans' knowledge of the calendar, astronomy, metallurgy, agriculture, jade carving, and the compass (THE MYSTERY OF THE MEXICAN PYRAMIDS , Peter Tompkins, Page 353, citing PALE INK , Henriette Mertz). Also, note the Oriental-looking figures at Copan. The Buddhist Monks may have taught the Yucatec Mayans Yoga, which would explain the Mayan stelae and statues displaying Yoga poses and hand gestures. In addition, some of the artwork in the Yucatan resembles Chinese ink brush painting.